Since the first settlers arrived in Perth, Jarrah hardwood has been used in all manner of construction projects. This fantastic natural resource from our South Western forests has been the ideal indigenous material for local use. Its durability and wearing properties have been utilized in the provision of Jarrah Hardwood Decking. There is probably no better hardwood decking in Perth These days, the harvesting of Jarrah needs to be responsibly managed, that’s why Perth Outdoor Installations will only source our Jarrah from an Australian Forestry Standards accredited Supplier (AFS/01-31-66, AS/NZS ISO 14001).
Jarrah is a high density and extremely hardwearing hardwood, with natural colours ranging from light pinks to reddish browns. It has an even texture and interlocking grain making it an excellent choice for decking materials. Jarrah reflects light to give great lustre, yet is still retains depth to its appearance - highlighting its natural characteristics.
The narrow Jarrah decking boards - 85 x 20mm - can be secretly fixed using special clips that lock into the side of the board. If using a 130 x 20 decking board we strongly recommend the use of Stainless Steel surface fixings which are available with different size screw heads depending on individual tastes.
Jarrah is an excellent timber for decking but we also use it extensively
for screening projects.
Link to a picture of the POI carpenters busy at work using 85 x 20mm Jarrah for a large screening project.
Freemantle Jarrah Decking Project | Hillarys Jarrah Hardwood Deck |